About SERO

The UGC has decentralized its operations to provide effective and efficient services across the country to the colleges. Initially SRO was established to cover all Southern States. In the year 1999, the SRO was bifurcated in to SERO, Hyderabad and SWRO, Bangalore. The UGC-SERO is the first Regional Office established in the country by the UGC in the year September, 1994. Services to the colleges are provided through the Six Regional offices located in Bhopal, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Guwahati, Kolkata and Pune. The colleges of northern region are covered by Northern Regional College Bureau (NRCB) at 35 , FerozShah Road, New Delhi.

The South Eastern Regional Office (SERO), Hyderabad currently caters to the Colleges sector for the states of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and Union Territory of Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Govt./ Aided Colleges located in these states are recognized by UGC under Section 2(f) & 12(B) are eligible to receive grants under different schemes of UGC. Further, the Self-Financing Colleges recognized under the Section 2(f) &12B of UGC Act are eligible for Teacher / Student Centric schemes.

Schemes dealt at UGC South Eastern Regional Office (SERO), Hyderabad The following schemes are being implemented by UGC-SERO, Hyderabad :-
1. Development Grant to Colleges during the Twelfth Plan (2012-17)
2. Development Assistance to Colleges for the Construction of Building during the Twelfth Plan (2012-2017)
3. Construction of Women’s Hostel for Colleges during the Twelfth Plan (2012-2017)
4. Development of Sports Infrastructure and Equipment in Colleges during XII Plan (2012-2017)
5. Establishment and Monitoring of the Internal Quality Assurance Cells (IQACs) in Colleges (2012 – 2017)
6. Autonomous colleges - XII Plan guidelines (2012-2017)
7. Faculty Development Programme for Colleges for the Twelfth Plan (2012-2017)
8. Organizing Conferences, Workshops, Seminars in Colleges during Twelfth Plan (2012-2017)
9. Minor Research Project for Teachers - XII Plan guidelines (2012-2017)

(C) 2015. Southern Eastern Regional Office (SERO)
Southern Eastern Regional Office A.P.S.F.C. Building (4th Floor) P.B. No.152, Chirag-Ali-lane, Hyderabad - 500001

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